What apartment best suits my needs?

October 8, 2008 at 1:08 am (Apartment Living) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

Looking at fancy dancy apartments and their layouts is pretty fun while skimming through renting websites. Some come equipped with a work-out center, others a pool, some even have a balcony. All of this sounds pretty snazzy, but in all inner reflection and truthfulness, will you actually use any of it?

My sister rented an apartment with her boyfriend that came with a balcony. He’s a smoker and they live on the 3rd floor. In this instance it’s handy for them because smoking isn’t allowed inside their apartments. Even if it was, she wouldn’t allow him to because she has asthma and is allergic to smoke. I thought I wanted a balcony because I had plants I wanted outside. But truth be told plants only live outside for the summer months before they are done for. So my thinking wasn’t logical because I wouldn’t use it in the winter months and I’d be paying for a pointless extra. Rather than all that, I opted for an apartment with a big bay window. It gave me a little more space in the apartment because the window is pushed out, and I have gorgeous sunlight that streams into my living room. Bonus for this too because I won’t need to have lights on as much. Then I can set my pots and plants on the sill of the window and have them all year round!

If you are sold on a cable company such as Comcast, you may also want to watch the area you move to. Some apartment complexes sign deals with cable companies that restrict you from going to anyone but them. My apartment complex only allows some form of AT&T dish network or DirectTV. They don’t allow Comcast. So I really can’t get any fabulous deals in that area.

If working out is important to you, maybe you should opt for an apartment that has a workout center. As a caution, don’t count on it being fabulous. It’s not like a gym where there are machines as far as the eye can see. Usually there are a handful for all to use.  Though I once found an apartment complex that had a full gym for residents to use and a free tanning bed to boot. Sort of oddly unhygenic if no one is monitoring it’s wipedown, but that’s another matter.

My apartment complex has a pool, but I never used it. They don’t allow you to bring guests in, so unless you have a spouse, family, or best friend/ roomies living with you, single people like me seem to get the shorter end of the stick.

In all genericness, just ask lots of questions and take notes if necessary. Some places have gas stoves while others have electric. Most places come with major appliances, but again, some do not. I guess the beautiful people are those who have microwaves that come with their apartment. If you want your own washer and dryer, either rent an apartment with one, or rent one with hookups and bring in your own. My apartment has rules that you can’t fashion or install your own blinds, but if you want theirs, you must pay 60 dollars and they will install them for you.


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